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Anglican church men

About the Acm

Since its establishment in 1973 Holy Cross Anglican Church Men (ACM) has grown tremendously over the years as a result of increased membership especially the younger male parishioners, excellent planning, execution of programmes, projects and initiatives based on the following objectives:

To give greater glory to God through worship, fellowship, study, service and giving.

To enable persons to see Christ in one another through self-disciplined lives and daily witness.
To promote good family life and create among men of the Branch and Diocese an awareness to be responsible citizens .
To assist the Priest and the Parish by giving of our time, talent and treasure under the theme: ” investing in, inspiring  and impacting others”.
The membership is divided up into four teams with the names of the past rectors of the parish, namely, Team Pestaina, Team Roach, Team Boyd and Team Lightbourne. Points are usually allotted to teams for attendance at monthly Corporate Church Service and fundraising activities such as Fish Fry, Grill Out, Drive Thru Movie. For spiritual and social growth members have participated in Bible Study sessions, Retreats, Devotional Podcasts Presentations, Panel Discussions and Health Lectures.
Members have engaged themselves in Outreach Programmes with the Simpson Penn Boys’ School,  Dream Chasers Boys’ Club at C.I. Gibson Senior High School and the male patients of Culmer’s Ward at the Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre. Visitations are usually done periodically to the sick and shut in members by the Pastoral Committee. Members are usually encouraged to participate actively in activities that promote physical fitness such as Walk -a- thons, and Basketball competitions. Members are usually recognized annually with plaques, trophies and certificates individually and collectively for exemplary performance and dedicated service to the ACM.
The membership of Holy Cross ACM wishes to express sincere gratitude to our Director of Cultural Affairs, Mr. Tex Turnquest for his creativity and ingenuity in designing this exciting educational game for all age groups to enjoy as they learn the names and location of the various parishes in the Anglican Diocese of The Bahamas & Turks & Caicos Islands. Holy Cross ACM were the first recipient of the Richard Gibbs Branch of The Year Award(2021)  in the entire Anglican Diocese of The Bahamas.
Our WhatsApp Group Chat is used frequently to allow notices of events, birthday greetings and expressions of condolence to concerned members. Meetings of the Holy Cross ACM are usually held on the last Thursday of every month virtually and/or in person.
Past Presidents of this Ministry include :
Robert Bartlet Jr.; Gurth Ford Sr.; Patrick Rutherford; Lloyd Ifill; David Bethel; Godfrey Burnside; Carlin Carter; George Forbes; Keith Sands; Winston Clarke; Trevor Bethel; Kenric Major; Leonard McPhee; Clarence Mc Kenzie. Current President : Patrick Douglas.